Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Land of Denial

The day after the presidential election someone called me and asked me, with deep concern in their voice, "how are you doing?" My answer? "Fine! How are you?" I had entered the land of denial the moment I turned off the TV the night before. By the time I woke up in the morning, it was as if the election had never happened.

I find that I continue to tune out and turn away from political discussions. I tune out the radio when I hear that voice. When T tries to initiate a conversation about this policy or that statement, about environmental or international impact, I politely, but firmly, shut it down. Look, I can't even bring myself to type his name. Months of fervent ranting exhausted me. I wished, prayed, truly believed that things would turn out differently. Rather than collapse in a disconsolate heap, I planted my head firmly in the sand. It will remain there until it is time to hope, pray, and believe again. Until then, please talk to me of movies, books, puppies, and other happy things. It is the only way I can cope.


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