Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is how it happens

One of the results of not going to work and being in an office environment, is that you quickly lose touch with pop culture. I miss those bonding sessions of peering over a coworker's shoulder to see the latest website or video. I feel like I am the last one to the party. When Jon Stewart finally mentions snakes on a plane I rush to the computer to google it.

Somehow, when you drop out of the workforce, you become invisible. I wonder if people assume that you no longer check your email, or that you no longer get a kick out of OK go videos. Since I am last to the party on these and other internet phenomena, I can only assume that I just didn't get the invite for so many other jokes and stories. I rely exclusively on the radio for my knowledge of music, as nobody I know tells me about their favorite new musical discoveries.

I fear that this is how one becomes tragically unhip, and that I am well on my way. Almost makes me want to go back to work!


Blogger Summer Pierre said...

I actually think it's age, not being a SAHM that makes one SO UNCOOL. For me, it's that I don't watch tv. I went to an event with John Stewart, and half of his jokes were about TV related things and I didn't get a single reference! Oh, the humility! By the way, you're HIPPER than almost ANYONE I work with. Seriously.

1:55 PM  
Blogger BOR-ee-us said...

I maintain that BOTH of you are more hip than I. (Perhaps that's a small comfort)

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I totally did not know that OK Go had a new video until you said that. And I have a job and everything.

11:45 PM  
Blogger BOR-ee-us said...

What's Ok Go?

9:03 PM  
Blogger Lilly said...

It's these guys and their silly videos:

10:58 PM  

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