Play acting
When I graduated from college and got my first job, I felt like I was play acting every day. There I was, hopping on the train with all of the other commuters, stopping for my morning bagel, arriving at the office in hose 'n' heels. I was sure that any moment someone would pop out of the bushes and call my bluff. "Who do you think you are, pretending to be an adult? You can't survive on your own. This is all a big lesson, at the end of which you will get a grade and the bill will be sent to your parents."
While being a mom comes more naturally, I still get struck by this feeling every once in a while. I suspect I will wake up tomorrow morning and find my life has reverted back to what it was before. I will chug away at my job, come home to a cozy evening of preparing a home cooked meal and watching a little TV, and plan weekend activities and excursions. Nope. No dream. I wake up now to an elaborate dance of feeding, dressing, showering (optional), pumping, and rushing off to work. After work it is a drive by pick up from day care, and a mad 5 minute rush to collect the mail, refrigerate the milk, unload the used bottles, and plug in my phone before Munch starts to cry (never been successful, by the way).
Grocery shopping? Hah! Save that for the weekend. It is amazing what kind of "meals" you can invent out of your freezer and pantry if you really put your mind to it. Let's just say the standards have changed.
Munch won't go to sleep without a fight these days. He gets sleepy and grumpy, but just you try to put him down for the night. Agitation, tears, resentment, anger. In that order. My guess is that he is beginning to figure out what he is missing when he is asleep. I suspect he is also teething, as he fell asleep with his chompers locked on my finger last night. Just as he develops this new aggravating tendency, he starts anther practice to compensate. He absolutely squeals with delight when I go to retrieve him from Ana's house. I am the sunshine in his world for those five minutes, and he is the sunshine in mine. Almost worth being apart from him for 10 hours. Almost.
While being a mom comes more naturally, I still get struck by this feeling every once in a while. I suspect I will wake up tomorrow morning and find my life has reverted back to what it was before. I will chug away at my job, come home to a cozy evening of preparing a home cooked meal and watching a little TV, and plan weekend activities and excursions. Nope. No dream. I wake up now to an elaborate dance of feeding, dressing, showering (optional), pumping, and rushing off to work. After work it is a drive by pick up from day care, and a mad 5 minute rush to collect the mail, refrigerate the milk, unload the used bottles, and plug in my phone before Munch starts to cry (never been successful, by the way).
Grocery shopping? Hah! Save that for the weekend. It is amazing what kind of "meals" you can invent out of your freezer and pantry if you really put your mind to it. Let's just say the standards have changed.
Munch won't go to sleep without a fight these days. He gets sleepy and grumpy, but just you try to put him down for the night. Agitation, tears, resentment, anger. In that order. My guess is that he is beginning to figure out what he is missing when he is asleep. I suspect he is also teething, as he fell asleep with his chompers locked on my finger last night. Just as he develops this new aggravating tendency, he starts anther practice to compensate. He absolutely squeals with delight when I go to retrieve him from Ana's house. I am the sunshine in his world for those five minutes, and he is the sunshine in mine. Almost worth being apart from him for 10 hours. Almost.