Thursday, June 30, 2005

1 or 2

Tom and I have frequent conversations about whether we should have another kid. We generally have these conversations after a Zoe visit, when we are completely pooped out from managing both a baby and a 6-year-old. Funny enough, the baby seems easier to manage than the 6 year old. This isn't fair, of course. When we get to borrow Zoe, we expend a lot of energy establishing rules and operating procedures. As soon as we get the hang of things, she goes home again. We also, I think, find it frustrating that we can't have more continuous influence in her life. While she is here, there is no McDonalds, Disney videos don't exist, and she must at least try everything on her plate. We only shop at Trader Joe's, so that she is not tempted by Oreos and Doritos (the last time we took her to a supermarket, she left in tears because we wouldn't get chocolate mini donuts, and "you didn't get anything I like!"). She is pretty convinced at this point that food brands are just different in California: "In Lebanon [Indiana] we have Coco Crisp, in California there's Koala Crisp!" Maybe she also thinks we have books instead of cartoons, as she didn't watch any TV while she was here, and we did lots of family reading time.

So after these visits, we talk about whether we should add to our family. Surprisingly, I am more interested in having another child than Tom. Before the Munch, it was the other way around. As an only child, I really saw all of the advantages of having one child in the house. Tom, as one of five, thought having a couple of kids in rapid succession was the best plan. Now our positions have reversed a bit. Surprisingly (to me), I love being a mom and really want a companion for Munch. I am so afraid I will just smother the little guy if I can't spread my affection and attention around a little more. While Tom is very open to the idea of another kid, he is also very protective of what we have right now, and I think he may be afraid to change the dynamic once again.

Well, it's nothing that is going to happen soon, so we probably don't need to think about it as much as we do. For now, I am just enjoying my time with my precious little family. To quote a Chic classic, "good times, these are the good times."


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